Brixham Heritage Museum

Schools Programme: soldiers on customs duty apprehend a smuggler: what's in the cask? - posed by models

Get in touch  to discuss how Brixham Heritage Museum can support your learning – from prehistory to explorers, we have lots of interesting objects for your class to discover.

Charges for museum-led school visits:

  • £3 per child
  • £4 per child for off-site and in-school visits
  • Teachers and adult helpers – no charge

Charges for self-led school visits:

  • £1 per child during opening times
  • £2 per child during closed times
  • Teachers and adult helpers – no charge

Explorer bags are available to borrow during your visit by prior arrangement. Observational drawing and other activities can be added to your visit by prior arrangement for a small charge.

Please try to provide 6-8 weeks notice to book your visit. Self-led visits need to be booked to avoid clashes with other large groups.

You are welcome to bring children on self-guided visits which we can support with age-appropriate questionnaires, available for a small fee.

Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with our Risk Assessment Guide.

We look forward to welcoming you to the museum soon.